
昨天到了槟州大会堂 看音乐会
唉..那场音乐会看得几 没心情一下..
我还以为我会看到她一个人而已 ..
就只能硬着头皮去跟她说 HI.... 其实那时候 不知道做么..
整个人就是不开心不开心的.. 不用说了.. 一定是看到她的原故..>.<
我曾经说过我喜欢的人所说的每一句话 我都会很记得..
你曾对我说过 。 你不想在这一年再有任何的关系.. 我明白 , 我也尊重你..
可是.. 昨天他跟你一起来.. 难道你跟我所说的话都是假的? 不觉得很矛盾吗?..
我不喜欢别人骗我 .. 唉.. 算了吧 ..

我 也说过 . 我喜欢的人, 只要她开心 , 我就ok! 祝福你 .. !


刚才看一看一些人的部落格.. 就看到一篇 “爱她,就让他走吧”
那一篇 我看了以后 有点感触 .. 当你喜欢上一个人 , 你就会把她当成你的一半
时时刻刻都会想着她 .. 她所说的每一句话你都会很在意 .. 很想在她身边看着她 ..
可是当她拒绝你 , 你会觉得好辛苦 .. 整个人就好像懒去..一整天都没心情.. 做什么都不转心..我懂 因为我感受过.. 被逼的..发送的简讯一天比一天 ..少.. 再少..到最后 就变成没有了.. 会不会是因为 “习惯”这个东西把你变成这样..? 就是因为你天天都想着她 .. 脑海只有她.. 久而久之... 你就不自觉的爱上她.. 这样的爱算是真的吗? 可能不是爱? 而是不习惯没有她而已? 渐渐习惯没你的时刻了.. 我很不想啊..但能怎么办? 我就只好 放开...

ex-Champion ;D

Can our class -SM2A still get overall champion in class singing competiton 2009 ?
i believe we can! how bout you guys? :D

SNE’s glorious achievements are once again reaffirmed by the business community! SNE was awarded the 7th “Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise-Keris Award”! This year, a total of 598 companies were nominated and ultimately, 41 domestic or overseas enterprises of international standards were awarded this distinguished accolade.

The 7th “Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise-Keris Award” ceremony was held at the Palace of the Golden Horses on 18th January 2009. The Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities Malaysia, Y.B. Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui presented award to SNE President-cum-Managing Director, Mr. Barry Low and SNE Executive Director, Mr. Lawrence Low.

Recognized by the International Enterprise Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise-Keris Award and organized by the Entrepreneur Development Association of Malaysia, the main objective of this award is to recognize enterprises which place importance on honesty in addition to their outstanding performances. SNE Marketing, was amongst the entrepreneurs with good reputation, has risen to the occasion again, in adding another feather to its cap.

The Asia Pacific International Honesty Enterprise-Keris Award is one of the accolades that are in line with international standards. It is jointly organized by government agencies, associations, chambers of commerce, and 16 institutions, and is widely recognized by international business credit and risk assessment consultant bodies in the Asia-Pacific region. The Keris Award has been hailed as the most exclusive and recognized mark of distinction amongst the international business awards.


These are new . :D GOGOGOGOGO! haha