Excuse me

I've stopped post something to here for quite a long time .its not im lazy ...( actually i was a little bit laa) but due to some problem which occur on me last year . i dont have any mood to post anything :( but im OK for now ... i get to accept what happened and let it be past .

Recently , i realize i have problem with every subject i study this year . Especially MATHS, jia lat... those formula like alien language to me .F*#K* I need to find some alternative to improve my studies le..>.< suggestion anyone?

Everything is moving in a cycle , theres a cause by every thing that happened . When a door shuts , seek for another door .. dont just stand there and pray for that door to reopen . Maybe its destined to be like that .. while one door shuts because of you .. in the mean time , there will be one too to welcome you . So, dont ignore those people beside you ... they're your raincoat when it rain , your shades when it the sun shines .

I'm 18 this year and growing . ''You need to give up to move up '' dont be the jack of all trades , instead be the king of 1 trade . ''We can do anything , but we cant do everything '' .. remember that .

My feeling is still the same for you .
Take Care my friends.


好热啊在班上,热到我都stim去。每次的咯,中午在班上睡的话,醒来时肯定流很多汗,好像在gok sauna 酱。 要怎样专心叻? 以后要拿电风扇去了咯。不然迟早热到sot掉。

很久没blog了,很快的一月就要过去了 ,剩下九个月时间就到大考。si liao la~
最近好多了咯...没‘病’了.. 剩下的就只是回忆。 哎

最近啊.. 我校看来要转形变弟子规学校了咯。哎哟,我不是在说弟子规不好啊,只是觉得 很多东西是没必要实行的啦 . 就好像,那个班歌咯 , 什么什么要有弟子规的成分在里面~ 这是班歌来的啊。
还建议我们用弟子规的歌gok~是sot的hor?! 行礼的我还很赞同并也一同的做。可是这些不能啦..

